About 2600 years back Gotama the Buddha, found a universal way out of all suffering and thus became enlightened. Vipassana Meditation is the quintessence of his teaching.The technique of Vipassana is a simple, practical way to achieve real peace of mind and to lead a happy, useful life.
About 2600 years back Gotama the Buddha, found a universal way out of all suffering and thus became enlightened. Vipassana Meditation is the quintessence of his teaching.The technique of Vipassana is a simple, practical way to achieve real peace of mind and to lead a happy, useful life. Vipassana means "to see things as they really are"; it is a logical process of mental purification through self-observation.
Vipassana enables us to experience peace and harmony: it purifies the mind, freeing it from suffering and the deep-seated causes of suffering. The practice leads step-by-step to the highest spiritual goal of full liberation from all mental defilements. After benefiting millions throughout the country for centuries it was however lost in India.
A few decades ago Shri S N Goenkaji brought back the jewel of Vipassana from Myanmar. The Ganges of Dhamma started flowing again in the country of its origin after centuries of darkness. Over the years the Dhamma has spread widely with a center on every continent in the world.
Now yet another Dhamma center- the Vipassana Meditation Center in Nashik city- has started taking shape in eleven acres of land at Pimpalgaon Bahula Shivar.
Goenkaji has named the center "Dhamma Nasika", literally the Nose of Dhamma.
In March 2005, Goenkaj and Mataji visited Dhamma Nasika to lay the foundation for the future pagoda and mediate with the local Dhamma workers and other meditators.
Opp. NMC Water Filtration Plant,
Shivaji Nagar, (Post. YCMOU) Satpur,
Nashik - 422 222
Phone - +91-253-2994352,